About Christine

“Every moment of our life can be the beginning of great things.” ~ Joseph Pilates
“Practice Pilates, and Stand Up for YOUrself.” ~ Christine, aka Pilates Bound
I’m glad you found me!  Hi there; I’m Christine. As a Pilates teacher, I help you see the big picture of your health and movement.  I’ve always been drawn to the big picture.  Growing up, life felt boxed in.  There were only a few options for me.  I have sought out every opportunity outside of that.  I said yes to big moves, to every type of movement and exercise you can imagine, but Pilates is what clicked for me, especially when working with the equipment.  With all that feedback from springs and the equipment, something connected in me, and helped me see how one exercise connects with another, even builds on one another, and connects my entire body together and releases stress.  It allows me to live the dream life I want to live now.  So I’m here now to help you go from feeling like there’s only one way to do things to seeing many opportunities and possibilities there are for the big picture of your health and movement.  I’m doing this with Pilates.  Work with me online for group mat classes, or at my studio for privates or duets.
Not ready to book yet???  I get it.  You need to know my credentials.  I was raised that education is of the utmost importance.  Below are my certificates. Yes, I’ve been told to join Certificates Anonymous!
  • 2013:  Certified Pilates Teacher (650+ hours of mat and apparatus) –  Flow Studio
  • 2015:  Registered Yoga Teacher (200 hours) –  Yoga Mountain Studio
  • 2017:  Certified Traditional Thai Massage Practitioner (50 hours Level I and II) – Thai Massage Center
  • 2020:  Integrated Movement Specialist (IMS – 40 hours) – Balanced Body
  • 2022:  The Classical Syllabus (45 hours) – MeJo Wiggin
  • 2022:  eLevate – classical Pilates mentorship “masters” program (60 hours) – Lesley Logan
As a 3rd generation Pilates teacher, you may think this is my only job, maybe even my only career.  But no, I’m proud to say that teaching Pilates is my part-time business.  Wait, what?  I know, I know, I hear you.  I actually have a full-time corporate job that I won’t be leaving anytime soon.  Why?  Because I truly have found my definition of success in life.  I have a balanced integration of professional and personal lives, of work and play, which has created a happy life for me.  A busy life, yes.  But definitely fun.  This integrated life, this integrated body allows me to bring my best self to you.
So how does this all work together? Have you wondered how to curl the head and chest up without any neck strain?  Do you know how to grow an inch?  Do you know how to lift the legs up without it getting all quad-dy and hip flexor-y?  Yep, those are technical terms ;-).  My cues are simple and straight-forward so there is no question of what muscle engagements we want.  Working with me, you’ll find I’m a Pilates enthusiast, and a student at heart.  I continue my education in classical Pilates and other movement modalities through various classes, workshops, seminars, and conferences.  I educate awareness and change for your body using Pilates so you can Stand Up for YOUrself. 
Are you ready?  Let’s go!

About Pilates

“Change happens through movement and movement heals.” ~ Joseph Pilates
“Practice Pilates, and Stand Up for YOUrself.” ~ Christine, aka Pilates Bound
It’s like yoga, but harder, is how I describe it when I’m out and about in the world.  Hahaha!  But in all seriousness, it’s an exercise system on functional strength training for anyone, and everyone.  Pilates focuses on stability so you can have improved mobility.  It’s mobility and stability.  It’s strength and flexibility.  It’s strength, stretch, AND control.  
The benefits are endless, but here’s some highlights:
  • Balance your body’s patterning and asymmetries.
  • Improve your balance, coordination, posture, and breathwork.
  • Increase body awareness to help you do life better.
Blah, blah, blah.  All of that means it helps with functional movement of your everyday life:
  • Pick somebody (maybe even you!) or something off the floor.
  • Reach behind you to grab something.
  • Catch yourself if you trip before you fall.
  • Less aches, pains, tight spots, and daily stresses.
  • Play in your favorite sports or activities
  • Weekend Warrior!

Plus anything else you got:  

  • Reduce back pain?  Check.
  • Manage stress?  You bet.
  • Coming back from an injury?  That too.
  • Want to get stronger?  Want to get more flexible?  Want to stand taller?  Who doesn’t.

Let’s find muscles you never knew you had.  Doesn’t that sound awesome?

About Pilates with Christine

“Pilates is complete coordination of body, mind, and spirit.” ~ Joseph Pilates

Whether you’re new to Pilates or super advanced, want to level up or age blissfully, I’ll get you moving.  Pilates is a strength-based, functional workout.  The exercises will be in repeating shapes in different planes, on different apparatuses, so you can access the muscle memory again and again.  Proper alignment throughout the exercises with different spine shapes.  Each session is meeting you where you are today.  We will explore the Pilates exercises your body needs.  Yep, that’s right!  A prop, think of it really as a tool, may be introduced to help you learn what muscle engagements we’re after in your body.  We will move from one apparatus to another to support you or challenge you.  We’ll work hard together, celebrate all the wins, and have fun in the process.  Laughing works the abdominal muscles, you know?! 

I know you’re thinking:  All of this sounds awesome, but what do I get out of this?  I help you get stronger, stay active, and laugh more with Pilates.

Here’s some problems I can help you with:

  • Do you experience chronic back pain?
  • Are you stressed out?
  • Do you want a full body workout to get stronger?
  • Are you noticing any changes or difficulties with your daily movements?
  • Do you want to feel better and live your best life?

If YOU answered YES to any of the above, let’s work together.  YOU don’t need 6-pack abs.  YOU want a workout to help YOU actively age, and live life better every single day because YOU matter.  I help you move the aches, pains, and stresses out of your body so you can live your best life.

Meet and connect to YOUr potential to find YOUr superpower.  Surprise YOUrself.  Let’s move together!
“Practice Pilates, and Stand Up for YOUrself.” ~ Christine, aka Pilates Bound
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