Why you can start Pilates

Why you can start Pilates “Every moment of our life can be the beginning of great things”. ~ Joseph Pilates In the spirit of going back to school, I’m dedicating this month’s blog to starting Pilates. I’m debunking reasons I’ve heard why someone won’t start Pilates, and I’m here to say you’re ready to start […]

Thutts & Squgs

Thutts & Squgs You’ve heard me use those cues. But what does it mean? Thutts = where your (th)ighs meet your b(utt) Squgs = (sq)eeze inner thighs and h(ug) your haunches in For my newsletter subscribers, this blog’s dedicated to each and every one of you.  Thank YOU for the inspiration, dedication, and the support.  […]

Introduction to Pilates with Pilates Bound

Introduction to Pilates with Pilates Bound Practice Pilates, and Stand Up for YOUrself. ~ Christine, aka Pilates Bound I’m celebrating 1 year of blogging!  Woo hoo!  Yes, it’s monthly, so it doesn’t seem that I’ve been writing that much, except for that 8-week period where I came up with a theme about Pilates props.  You […]

Pilates or Yoga?

Pilates or Yoga? “Change happens through movement and movement heals.” ~ Joseph H. Pilates After you’ve read my FAQ to Introduction to Pilates, I figured you would have more questions for me.  Maybe you’re a yogi or a yogini, and wondering what is this cousin to yoga called Pilates?  Do I need it?  And I’m […]

An Introduction to Pilates

An Introduction to Pilates “Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness.” – Joseph H. Pilates Welcome to Pilates!  Whether you came here out of curiosity, wanting to know more, or signed up for your first class, and wondering what’s next, here are some FAQ’s to help you get started. What is Pilates? Here’s by […]

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