

To add variety to your mat workouts, or level up, get the props (more like tools) below for F-U-N!
stress relief balls (3 pack)
Double Duty:  Helps increase focus/attention when used as feedback in exercises.  Helps reduce stress/anxiety, and bring a sense of calm.  
Home substitute:  tennis ball, but know this will be more challenging than stress relief balls! Or a rolled up hand towel or small pillow.
monster face stress relief balls (12 pack)
For extra fun!  Or when a 3-pack is not enough, or when your dog keeps thinking they’re dog toys!
Home substitute:  tennis ball, rolled up hand towel, or small pillow.
“squishy” Pilates ball 
Don’t inflate fully.  Helps strengthen your core and posture when used as feedback in exercises.  
Home substitute:  deflated soccer ball, deflated basketball.  I haven’t tried this personally, but theoretically, it should work similarly?!
1 pound weights (2 pack)
Strengthen and tone muscles in your upper body and core.  Aids in a “reformer on the mat” experience.  
Home substitute:  2 water bottles (or bottles of your choice).  Check for leakage!
Magic Circle
Adds resistance to exercises to provide muscular feedback of proximal connections (where your limbs connect to your torso/trunk), and isometric connections (similar to how springs teach this).  
Home substitute:  Surprise – a Christmas wreath!  Wait, what???  Yep, not for all exercises, but you can use it for some!  Even a shoelace will work!
Therabands (3 pack with light, medium, and heavy resistance)
Good for conditioning and rehabbing muscles.   Helps build muscle strength.
Home substitute:  Towel robe ties, nylon/pantyhose, or an old pair of leggings.
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