Why you can start Pilates

Why you can start Pilates “Every moment of our life can be the beginning of great things”. ~ Joseph Pilates In the spirit of going back to school, I’m dedicating this month’s blog to starting Pilates. I’m debunking reasons I’ve heard why someone won’t start Pilates, and I’m here to say you’re ready to start […]

Pilates Principle: Flow

Pilates Principle: Flow We’ve arrived at the last of the Pilates principles – flow.  Let’s review what we’ve covered – there are 6 guiding principles:  breath, concentration, center, control, precision, and flow.   This month, let’s discuss FLOW, and its relationship to Pilates! During my teacher training program, there was required reading, and they were 2 […]

Return to Life with March MATness!

Return to Life with March MATness! “Pilates has been the perfect solution to maintaining strength and vitality in my life”. ~ Trudie Styler (Sting’s wife) Let’s review the 5 spine shapes:  flexion/round back, tall back, extension/arched back, lateral flexion/side bend, and twist/rotation.   With each of these spine shapes, there are challenges to each because there […]

Pilates Principle: Concentration

Pilates Principle:  Concentration   For the next few months, I want to do a deep dive into each of the Pilates principles.  There are 6 guiding principles:  breath, concentration, center, control, flow, and precision.  I covered breath last month. Let’s get into CONCENTRATION, and its relationship to Pilates! During my teacher training program, there was […]

5 Pilates Wall Exercises for a Workout

5 Pilates Wall Exercises for a Workout “Civilisation impairs physical fitness.” ~ Joseph Pilates It’s no surprise that our DOing our modern life takes a toll as human BEings.  Hours staring at our computers, hunched over our desks, stresses of job-bing.  Yep, I turned it into a verb.  Pilates is known to reverse our natural […]

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