Pilates or Yoga?

Pilates or Yoga?

“Change happens through movement and movement heals.” ~ Joseph H. Pilates

After you’ve read my FAQ to Introduction to Pilates, I figured you would have more questions for me.  Maybe you’re a yogi or a yogini, and wondering what is this cousin to yoga called Pilates?  Do I need it?  And I’m here to say yes, you do!  Maybe you’re wondering what Pilates classes are like with me?  I’m here to answer your questions.

  1. What are the origins for Pilates and yoga?
    • Pilates was created in the early 20th century by Joseph Pilates, who immigrated from Germany to the US.  
    • Yoga is based on a 5000 year ancient history in India.  The word was first mentioned in sacred texts written in Sanskrit.
  2. How is Pilates similar to yoga?
    • This is by no means a complete and comprehensive list, but these are some of the similarities.  Both are a mind and body workout.  Both have meditative aspects.  Both are complementary to high-impact sports/activities.  The most important is that both are healing movement practices.
  3. How is Pilates different from yoga?
    • Let’s start with my definition of both.  Pilates is a whole body workout to strengthen the mind and body.  It’s stability and mobility.  It’s strength and stretch/flexibility with control.  It strengthens what’s weak, stretches what’s tight, tightens what’s loose, mobilizes/loosens what’s rigid, and finally balances what’s strong.
    • And now my definition of yoga.  It is a mind and body workout that has various styles that cover breathing techniques, various poses, with meditative practices.
    • Some of the notable differences besides the origins of each practice as mentioned earlier are the different approaches to meditation and the spiritual qualities found while practicing yoga. A significant difference is the option to use equipment in Pilates.  Even the mats are different.  In fact, Pilates has various apparatus, such as the reformer, Cadillac, Wunda chair, ladder barrel, arm chair, Ped-O-Pul, and more.
  4. In yoga, there are props.  Are there props used in Pilates?
    • Yes, there are props used in Pilates classes.  Most of the props in Pilates are used as tools to teach you a connection in your body.  So, you can get some muscle memory, and try the exercises without props.  
    • The props are dual-purposed as well.  Not only can the props be an aid to help you with an exercise that’s challenging, but it can also add a challenge to an exercise that may be accessible to help refine the quality of the movement.
    • Final word on props:  Don’t allow props to be pacifiers.  Try with a prop, and try again without a prop.
  5. What are the Pilates props?
    1. Here’s a sample list:
      1. Magic Circle
      2. Squishy ball
      3. 1-lb weights
      4. Therabands
      5. Towel and a Bar
      6. Foam roller
      7. Chair
  6. Should I practice Pilates or yoga?
    • I say “Both!”.  I say Pilates is the “and” to the other movement you have in your life, or maybe just the daily grind of life.  Every exercise in Pilates is for the whole body AND the mind.  With everything going on in your life, you need (and want) a strong body (AND mind).  What could be better than learning how to “Stand Up for YOUrself” by practicing Pilates with me?

What other questions do you have about Pilates?  Ask me, and I’ll get back to you.

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