Why you can start Pilates

Why you can start Pilates “Every moment of our life can be the beginning of great things”. ~ Joseph Pilates In the spirit of going back to school, I’m dedicating this month’s blog to starting Pilates. I’m debunking reasons I’ve heard why someone won’t start Pilates, and I’m here to say you’re ready to start […]

Return to Life with March MATness!

Return to Life with March MATness! “Pilates has been the perfect solution to maintaining strength and vitality in my life”. ~ Trudie Styler (Sting’s wife) Let’s review the 5 spine shapes:  flexion/round back, tall back, extension/arched back, lateral flexion/side bend, and twist/rotation.   With each of these spine shapes, there are challenges to each because there […]

5 Pilates Wall Exercises for a Workout

5 Pilates Wall Exercises for a Workout “Civilisation impairs physical fitness.” ~ Joseph Pilates It’s no surprise that our DOing our modern life takes a toll as human BEings.  Hours staring at our computers, hunched over our desks, stresses of job-bing.  Yep, I turned it into a verb.  Pilates is known to reverse our natural […]

5 Fundamental Exercises You Can Do at Your Desk 

5 Fundamental Exercises You Can Do at Your Desk “By all means, never fail to get all the sunshine and fresh air you can.” ~ Joseph Pilates Besides getting as much sunshine and fresh air you can, I would add to get as much movement as you can EVERYday.  I know many of us sit […]

5 Pilates Mat Exercises for Better Balance

5 Pilates Mat Exercises for Better Balance “The Pilates Method teaches you to be in control of your body, and not at its mercy.” ~ Joseph Pilates Pilates mat exercises are excellent for improving balance as they engage the core, use strength and stretch to gain mobility with control, and challenge stability.  All you need […]

5 Reasons to (re)start Pilates

“Every moment of our life can be the beginning of great things.” ~ Joseph Pilates When September comes around, I think of either starting something new, or returning to something that fell off the list.  It’s my own version of “going back to school”.  So, if you’ve never started Pilates, but always wanted to, I’m […]

Homework is a part of practicing Pilates

Homework is a part of practicing Pilates “Concentrate on the correct movement each time you exercise, lest you do them improperly and thus lose all vital benefits.” ~ Joseph Pilates If you know me at all, you know I’m a student at heart.  That’s the big push for me to film Pilates exercises you can […]

Thutts & Squgs

Thutts & Squgs You’ve heard me use those cues. But what does it mean? Thutts = where your (th)ighs meet your b(utt) Squgs = (sq)eeze inner thighs and h(ug) your haunches in For my newsletter subscribers, this blog’s dedicated to each and every one of you.  Thank YOU for the inspiration, dedication, and the support.  […]

Pilates helps you do life better

Pilates helps you do life better If it’s easy, it’s probably not Pilates. You might’ve seen this fun quote on a graphic like a T-shirt or a notebook.  (Un)fortunately, it’s true.  Most likely, you discovered Pilates because you were looking for some movement or exercise in your life.  But little did you know that it […]

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