Chicken or Egg, Part 2:  Strength or Flexibility?

Chicken or Egg, Part 2:  Strength or Flexibility? If your spine is inflexibly stiff at 30, you are old.  If it is completely flexible at 60, you are young.  ~ Joseph Pilates Last month, I had a deep dive on the chicken/egg analogy of Stability or Mobility – which do you focus on first?  There’s […]

Chicken or Egg, Part 1: Stability or Mobility?

Chicken or Egg, Part 1: Stability or Mobility? Pilates is gaining the mastery of your mind over the complete control over your body. ~ Joseph Pilates If I had to translate how Joseph Pilates defines Pilates into my own words, it would be: It is a mind-body connection that engages a full body workout.  It’s […]

The Two-Way Stretch in Pilates

The Two-Way Stretch in Pilates Pilates, Joseph H. and Miller, William John.  Photo of Joseph Pilates at 60 years young practicing the Double Leg Pull [Return to Life Through Contrology, originally published in 1945] One of the fundamental concepts of Pilates is the two-way stretch.  Other terms you may have heard are oppositional reach, dynamic […]

Return to Life with March MATness!

Return to Life with March MATness! “Pilates has been the perfect solution to maintaining strength and vitality in my life”. ~ Trudie Styler (Sting’s wife) Let’s review the 5 spine shapes:  flexion/round back, tall back, extension/arched back, lateral flexion/side bend, and twist/rotation.   With each of these spine shapes, there are challenges to each because there […]

5 Pilates Wall Exercises for a Workout

5 Pilates Wall Exercises for a Workout “Civilisation impairs physical fitness.” ~ Joseph Pilates It’s no surprise that our DOing our modern life takes a toll as human BEings.  Hours staring at our computers, hunched over our desks, stresses of job-bing.  Yep, I turned it into a verb.  Pilates is known to reverse our natural […]

5 Fundamental Exercises You Can Do at Your Desk 

5 Fundamental Exercises You Can Do at Your Desk “By all means, never fail to get all the sunshine and fresh air you can.” ~ Joseph Pilates Besides getting as much sunshine and fresh air you can, I would add to get as much movement as you can EVERYday.  I know many of us sit […]

5 Pilates Mat Exercises for Better Balance

5 Pilates Mat Exercises for Better Balance “The Pilates Method teaches you to be in control of your body, and not at its mercy.” ~ Joseph Pilates Pilates mat exercises are excellent for improving balance as they engage the core, use strength and stretch to gain mobility with control, and challenge stability.  All you need […]

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