Chicken or Egg, Part 2: Strength or Flexibility? If your spine is inflexibly stiff at 30, you are old. If it is completely flexible at 60, you are young. ~ Joseph Pilates Last month, I had a deep dive on the chicken/egg analogy of Stability or Mobility – which do you focus on first? There’s […]
stronger core
Chicken or Egg, Part 1: Stability or Mobility?
Chicken or Egg, Part 1: Stability or Mobility? Pilates is gaining the mastery of your mind over the complete control over your body. ~ Joseph Pilates If I had to translate how Joseph Pilates defines Pilates into my own words, it would be: It is a mind-body connection that engages a full body workout. It’s […]
The Two-Way Stretch in Pilates
The Two-Way Stretch in Pilates Pilates, Joseph H. and Miller, William John. Photo of Joseph Pilates at 60 years young practicing the Double Leg Pull [Return to Life Through Contrology, originally published in 1945] One of the fundamental concepts of Pilates is the two-way stretch. Other terms you may have heard are oppositional reach, dynamic […]
Standing Pilates exercises
Standing Pilates exercises We’re in the holiday season when you may be traveling quite a bit, and may not have a lot of time for your regular Pilates practice, or maybe you don’t want to get on that floor because it’s icky, or you don’t have your mat, or even a towel on the floor […]
How I got into teaching Pilates
How I got into teaching Pilates Just a couple months ago, I shared how I got started practicing Pilates. It was a movement practice that I started and stopped many times before it turned into a start, and a never stop. I’ve had a daily Pilates practice for many years that I’ve lost count of […]
Why you can start Pilates
Why you can start Pilates “Every moment of our life can be the beginning of great things”. ~ Joseph Pilates In the spirit of going back to school, I’m dedicating this month’s blog to starting Pilates. I’m debunking reasons I’ve heard why someone won’t start Pilates, and I’m here to say you’re ready to start […]
How I got started with Pilates
How I got started with Pilates You are only as young as your spine is flexible. ~ Joseph Pilates This month I thought I’d share with you my introduction to Pilates. I first heard about Pilates, and was introduced to it at my junior high school’s gym class. My gym class offered different sports and […]
Return to Life with March MATness!
Return to Life with March MATness! “Pilates has been the perfect solution to maintaining strength and vitality in my life”. ~ Trudie Styler (Sting’s wife) Let’s review the 5 spine shapes: flexion/round back, tall back, extension/arched back, lateral flexion/side bend, and twist/rotation. With each of these spine shapes, there are challenges to each because there […]
5 Pilates Wall Exercises for a Workout
5 Pilates Wall Exercises for a Workout “Civilisation impairs physical fitness.” ~ Joseph Pilates It’s no surprise that our DOing our modern life takes a toll as human BEings. Hours staring at our computers, hunched over our desks, stresses of job-bing. Yep, I turned it into a verb. Pilates is known to reverse our natural […]
5 Fundamental Exercises You Can Do at Your Desk
5 Fundamental Exercises You Can Do at Your Desk “By all means, never fail to get all the sunshine and fresh air you can.” ~ Joseph Pilates Besides getting as much sunshine and fresh air you can, I would add to get as much movement as you can EVERYday. I know many of us sit […]